Annual Meeting of the Electorate

Every English parish must have a meeting of the electorate (Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12, Part III (Parish Meetings). The parish meeting must assemble annually on some day between 1st March and 1st June (both inclusive). For Sutton, the date of the meeting is fixed by the Parish Council and is convened by the Chairman, and proceedings must not commence before 6pm. It is also unlawful to hold the meeting in premises licenced to sell alcohol. (Unless there are no other premises suitable either free of charge or at a reasonable cost). NB: A parish meeting can also be convened by any 2 parish councillors for the parish, or any 6 local government electors for the parish. At a Parish Meeting each local government elector present is entitled to one vote and no more on any question put before the meeting. Please contact the Parish Clerk for any further details.